10:25 AM - Riley Stillman (Car) was promoted from AHL Chicago on Tuesday, Walt Ruff of the Hurricanes' official site reports.
5:42 PM - Riley Stillman (Car) was assigned to AHL Chicago on Monday.
10:14 AM - Riley Stillman (Car) was recalled from AHL Chicago on Sunday.
4:56 PM - Riley Stillman (Car) was sent to AHL Chicago on Saturday, per Walt Ruff of the Hurricanes' official site.
10:04 AM - Riley Stillman (Car) was called up from AHL Chicago on Friday, per Walt Ruff of the Hurricanes' official site.
5:44 PM - Riley Stillman (Car) was assigned to AHL Chicago on Thursday.
10:34 AM - Riley Stillman (Car) was elevated from AHL Chicago on Wednesday.
10:21 AM - Riley Stillman (Car) was assigned to AHL Chicago on Thursday, Walt Ruff of the Hurricanes' official site reports.
11:10 AM - Riley Stillman (Car) was recalled by the Hurricanes on Monday.
3:32 PM - Riley Stillman (Car) was loaned to AHL Chicago on Monday.
10:20 AM - Riley Stillman (Car) was recalled from AHL Chicago on Thursday.
3:04 PM - Riley Stillman (Car) was reassigned to AHL Chicago on Saturday.
11:31 AM - Riley Stillman (Car) was recalled by the Hurricanes on Monday, Walt Ruff of the Hurricanes' official site reports.
3:10 PM - Riley Stillman (Car) was reassigned to AHL Chicago on Wednesday, per the AHL transaction page.
11:32 AM - Riley Stillman (Car) was recalled from AHL Chicago on Tuesday.
2:11 PM - Riley Stillman (Car) (lower body) was activated from injured non-roster and placed on waivers Tuesday, per Elliotte Friedman of Sportsnet.
1:22 PM - Riley Stillman (Car) Walt Ruff of the Hurricanes' official site, Stillman (lower body) is travelling with the team on their current three-game swing through the Southwest and is getting close to a return, coach Rod Brind'Amour said Friday.
11:21 AM - Riley Stillman (Car) (lower body) rejoined the Hurricanes on Wednesday, Walt Ruff of the Hurricanes' official site reports.
4:21 PM - Riley Stillman (Car) (lower body) was placed on the injured non-roster list Monday.
11:08 AM - Riley Stillman (Car) is dealing with a lower-body injury, per Walt Ruff of the Hurricanes' official site.
10:49 AM - Riley Stillman (Car) (lower body) was not listed among the injured players Tuesday ahead of training camp.
9:21 AM - Riley Stillman (Car) (lower body) agreed to terms on a one-year, two-way contract with Carolina on Wednesday.
News supplied by Rotowire