In a five-team, 13-player trade, the Boston Celtics traded Antoine Walker to the Miami Heat; the Memphis Grizzlies traded Andre Emmett, James Posey and Jason Williams to the Miami Heat; the Miami Heat traded Albert Miralles, Qyntel Woods, a 2006 2nd round draft pick and a 2008 2nd round draft pick to the Boston Celtics; the Miami Heat traded Eddie Jones to the Memphis Grizzlies; the Miami Heat traded Rasual Butler to the New Orleans/Oklahoma City Hornets; the New Orleans/Oklahoma City Hornets traded Roberto Duenas to the Miami Heat.
What does it give the Miami Heat
A legitimate NBA title shot. In one fell swoop, the Heat filled out their starting five with three new players to complement superstars Shaquille O'Neal and Dwyane Wade. Williams takes over as the Heat's point guard and should perform better now that he's back in Florida, where he played his college ball. Walker gives the team the outside shooting they lost with the departure of Damon Jones, but he'll also provide a needed third scorer and elite power forward, allowing Udonis Haslem to come off the bench. But if Walker switches to small forward, Posey becomes the sixth man and provides the shut-down defense the Heat desperately need. Emmett is an underrated backup point-man, and Duenas is a simply massive center who has some promise but looks to be staying in Europe for awhile. It may not all pan out, but at least Heat fans know their team will be even more exciting next season and that team president Pat Riley is doing everything he can to win.
What does it give the Memphis Grizzlies
A solid (albeit aging) shooting guard who was originally drafted by Grizz GM Jerry West back in 1994 (when both were with the Lakers). Jones has declined the past couple of seasons, but West obviously believes his young team's biggest challenge is veteran leadership and character. He won't likely turn back the clock in Memphis, but at the very least Jones will become a positive mentor for the baby Grizzlies.
What does it give the Boston Celtics
Along with Curtis Borchardt (who comes along from Utah in the deal), Woods provides depth for an improving and increasingly younger Celtic team. Woods is a highly skilled player who can fill in at point guard, shooting guard, and small forward. He just needs to get focused and stop getting arrested. Miralles has talent and size but has yet play an NBA game, while the cash and two second-rounders help the Celts with their future.
Fantasy impact
Player focus

Boston Celtics
a second-round draft pick in 2008
a second-round draft pick in 2006