Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 5:45pm


The Chicago Cubs acquired pitcher Clayton Richard from the Pittsburgh Pirates for cash.

What does it give the Chicago Cubs
The Cubs needed a fifth starter to replace the injured Tsuyoshi Wada and recently demoted Donn Roach. Enter Richard, who has not pitched in Major League Baseball since the 2013 campaign (San Diego). He can be pretty good when healthy, though.

What does it give the Pittsburgh Pirates
For the Pirates, they clearly didn't feel the need to keep Richard around so they shipped him off to the division-rival Cubs for cash. Pittsburgh's rotation has been stellar so far in 2014, so there's a good chance Richard wouldn't have gotten a call-up this season.

Fantasy impact
It's been a while since Richard pitched in the majors, and he wasn't a fantasy stud back then either. Therefore, there is nothing to see here.

Player focus

Pittsburgh Pirates

cash considerations

Chicago Cubs

Clayton Richard P